Eudora Address Book to Outlook Importer Guide
Know how to import Eudora Address Book to Otlook in easy steps -
Open Eudora Address Book to Outlook Importer
After launching the software; select Eudora Address book files, for which the software offers two options for converting address book into outlook -
- I want to convert my default Eudora address book files – To select file which are already configured in your system.
- I want to choose my address book files – To select the file which you have brought down from some other system or location.
Select the appropriate option and click on Next button.
To start the conversion procedure simply click on “Start Exporting” button.
After clicking on Start Exporting button, you will need to select saving location to save the resultant Outlook PST file.
Once the contacts are exported to Outlook PST file successfully, you will see the following box -
After getting the PST file in saving location, next step is to open the PST file in Outlook so as to access all the contacts in Outlook.
After completing the export process, software will automatically open the converted PST file in MS Outlook. There you have to click on People (that appears at the bottom of MS Outlook screen), then the software automatically opens the MS Outlook contacts section. There you have to locate the contact file and click on it, to view the contacts.
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I have been looking for information on how to move my contact list from Eudora to Outlook, then I got this tool, downloaded and then was able to access all those contacts in Outlook. Great and easy tool to work with!
Joseph Marker
New York